Heather Noble
Monthly Articles, Recipes & Tips


Toronto Based Virtual Registered Dietitian,
Sports Nutritionist, and Athlete

Hello! I’m Heather
A Toronto-Based Virtual Registered Dietitian,
Sports Nutritionist and Athlete

Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal

Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal

By: Heather Noble, RD This recipe is the perfect winter 'overnight oats' for a quick grab-and-go breakfast paired with a Greek yogurt cup or eggs!...

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Putting the Iron in Ironman

Putting the Iron in Ironman

Iron is absolutely essential for athletic performance. Iron is important for endurance athletes in particular because of the strenuous physical...

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How To Drink Like An Athlete

How To Drink Like An Athlete

Maintaining fluid balance is extremely dynamic- constantly changing and fluctuating. Staying hydrated throughout the day and during exercise can be...

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