Putting the Iron in Ironman

Putting the Iron in Ironman

Iron is absolutely essential for athletic performance. Iron is important for endurance athletes in particular because of the strenuous physical demands placed on their aerobic system and muscles. Low iron levels can lead to exhaustion, weakened immune system, poor...
How To Drink Like An Athlete

How To Drink Like An Athlete

Maintaining fluid balance is extremely dynamic- constantly changing and fluctuating. Staying hydrated throughout the day and during exercise can be a real struggle for many athletes! These losses occur mostly through sweat during exercise, and if not adequately...
High Performance Recovery Nutrition

High Performance Recovery Nutrition

With greater exercise volume and intensity, comes greater nutritional responsibility!  The timing, type and quality of post-exercise nutrition has a significant impact on training adaptations and overall recovery. Recovery nutrition post-exercise is important for...
Language and Why it Matters

Language and Why it Matters

Ever stop to think about how the language we use around food and weight might be affecting ourselves and those around us? Our language is deeply imbedded in our culture and everyday lives. You are trying on a new pair of jeans with your friend in the change room and...
Let’s Talk About RED-S

Let’s Talk About RED-S

Under-fuelling is no joke. When an athlete does not consume enough calories for a prolonged period of time to support their energy demands for training and other resting metabolic functions, they are at risk for developing a syndrome called RED-S (Relative Energy...